Icon Temperaturfühler Wärmemengenzähler

Temperature probes for heat meter


Consistently rising energy costs and strict legal requirements demand highly accurate billing of the thermal energy used in heating or cooling systems.

One important component of heat and cold meters used for this purpose are the precise temperature probes for determining the temperature difference at the flow and return of the heating or cooling system. 

Temperature probes for measuring the thermal energy, which are permissible for the demanding use in billing systems, are also available from us ready paired on request.

Testo Sensor GmbH not only produces temperature probes for heat and cold meters according to your specific specifications, but also keeps an eye on standards and guidelines for approval in accordance with regulations.

Our probe portfolio for heat meters and cold meters

This is what distinguishes our temperature probes for heat meters

Features temperature probes for heat meters

Our certifications & standards

We can produce these temperature probes for heat meters for you

Temperature probe
for direct installation

Technische Zeichnung Temperaturfühler für Direkteinbau

Please configure the probe according to your specification:

Temperature probe
for direct installation - fast responding

Technische Zeichnung Temperaturfühler für Direkteinbau schnellansprechend

Please configure the probe according to your specification:

Temperature probe
for universal use

Temperature probes for heat meters

Please configure the probe according to your specification:

Suitable accessories and services

Accessories for installing the temperature probes

Zubehör für Wärmemengenzähler

Measurement and pairing on our test bench

Service - Paaren von Temperaturfühlern für Wärmemengenzähler

Our certifications & standards

Temperature probe pairing according to DIN 1434

Temperature probes for heat meters
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We provide you the probes and on request also the pairing

Special guidelines and strict quality criteria apply to temperature probes in heat and cold meters. This makes the manufacturing process and especially the pairing process very complex.

With this video, we would like to give you a small insight into our fully automated pairing process.

We will show you how we have managed to make the process both effective and cost-efficient while still complying with all standards and specifications.

This ensures that we can not only meet the extremely high requirements of the PTB, but also significantly increase the sensor throughput per hour.

Our offer for you

Temperature probes for heat meters

We offer you these benefits

Application heat and cold metering

Application heat and cold metering

Why are heat and cold meters needed?

According to the Heating Costs Ordinance, the energy consumption of the individual consumers in buildings in which several consumers share a heating or cooling source must be accurately recorded for billing purposes.

This enables service charge billing according to the source, a fair distribution of costs and the identification of potential energy savings.

The use of highly accurate heat and cold meters for measuring the flow and return temperature of the heating water has been mandatory since 2014. The less accurate methods of calculating consumption used until then are no longer permitted.

The smallest measurement uncertainties in determining the temperature difference lead to errors in cost accounting. These must be avoided at all costs.

The temperature probes used are very tightly specified in their tolerances and must meet high legal requirements.

The temperature probes from Testo Sensor not only meet all legal requirements, but also exceed them in some points that are particularly important for the application, such as response time or long-term stability.

For precise measurement of the heat energy consumed in each case, two measured variables are decisive:

1. The flow measurement.

For this purpose, flow meters integrated in the heating and cooling circuits record the respective amount of water flowing through per time unit in a counter.

2. The temperature measurement.

For this purpose, a temperature probe is installed in the supply and return pipes of the heating water, which measures the temperature of the water in the respective pipe. The temperature difference results in the extracted heat energy, which can be assigned to the respective consumer.

Standards and guidelines for temperature probes for heat meters

Heat meter guidelines and standards

Rely on our experience


Start of production

Heat meter probes ready for series production

Production line & pairing test stand in operation


Type approval

PTB issued MID type approval (module B)


Pairing process

PTB certifies the quality assurance system manufacturing and pairing process
(Module D)

Type examination certificate (cold)
MessEv (Module B)


Recognition in Austria & Switzerland

Portfolio expanded

Refrigeration approval for Switzerland & Austria

Inclusion in the tolerated list of existing immersion sleeves


The portfolio is growing

Expansion of the approval to include
fast-response probes for direct installation

Addition of suitable accessories

We are a member of Ematem

As a member, we are actively involved in EMATEM and the Standards Committee.
We also give a lecture as part of the annual summer school.
You can find the lectures from previous years here:
Temperature probes for heat meters

With this service package we will support you in your temperature sensor project.

We see ourselves as your partner and specialist in the field of OEM temperature sensors. You can always rely on having permanent and competent contact partners – for your technology, quality, logistics and purchasing.  
At Testo Sensor you get everything from one source:  the application-specific design, the samples and prototypes, right through to the production-ready article, the comprehensive qualification and the stable, high reproducible series production.  As a skilled partner and OEM supplier to our customers, we deliver the complete package: the technical solution, the necessary quality, the appropriate supply logistics and the right price

Temperature probes for heat meters


Together with you we develop the application-specific requirements that your temperature probe needs to fulfil.

Temperature probes for heat meters


Our technicians work out the design of your temperature probe according to your given specifications.​

Temperature probes for heat meters

Samples & Prototypes

We manufacture sample probes, prototypes and field test probes for you by hand and using pre-series tools. ​

Temperature probes for heat meters


The production-ready probes are subjected to the necessary stress tests, endurance tests and functional tests in the laboratory.

Temperature probes for heat meters

Series production

Following acceptance of the qualified probes, we always go into series production with an informative 100% final functional test. ​

Temperature probes for heat meters


100% on-time delivery rate, in accordance to your standards: KANBAN, consignment stocks or secured buffer storage facilities

Get in touch with us, we look forward to hearing from you.

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    Temperature probes for heat meters
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